I am already thinking of the winter break. And most of my friends are also counting down the minutes left to go back home. It's always nice to go home, mostly because of the huge feasts. When I was a child, the incentive were the presents. Now, on the other hand, it's family and friends.
So, this will be my last post in this 2013 and I couldn't find a better way to finish the year rather than talking about Christmas Steps.
I wish you happy holidays back home (or wherever you are). Keep reading the blog in the wonderful 2014 year too! I will be here, batteries charged, with loads and loads of new stories! :)
I wish you happy holidays back home (or wherever you are). Keep reading the blog in the wonderful 2014 year too! I will be here, batteries charged, with loads and loads of new stories! :)
For those who don't know, Christmas Steps is a medieval street trapped in the noisy and busy city centre of Bristol. It is one of the oldest and yet most charming parts of Bristol. The street was originally called Queene Street in medieval times, and not so long ago, the street was full of antique and book shops attracting a lot of tourists. However, gradually it has lost its charm and atmosphere.
The steep-slanted steps were constructed in 1669 and paid by the wealthy wine merchant Jonathan Blackwell. Before that year, the street had been a steep, muddy and narrow street.
I walked up Christmas Steps this week and I took some pictures of the street and shops. There were some people walking by, and although the Christmas lights are welcome, the street looked desolated. Therefore, I wanted to do my bit and bring the original atmosphere back to Christmas steps! Check out all the hidden gems you can find in the same street:
Three Sugar Loaves. Located at the bottom of Christmas Steps, 3SL is a pub that has been welcoming drinkers for over 300 years. They serve a wide range of ales, beers, lagers, wines and spirits, and PieMinister award winning pies too!
WEBSITE: http://3slbristol.webs.com/
WEBSITE: http://3slbristol.webs.com/
Little Gem is a family-run sandwhich bar at the bottom of Christmas Steps too. It opens at 7.30am on weekdays and closes at 3pm, offering cold and hot food, drinks and snacks, specialized in fresh sandwiches. They do a 10% discount to students. WEBSITE: http://littlegemsandwichbar.com/
ShOp, Vintage Lounge and Arts Venue, seeling men and women's vintage clothing and accessories as well as furniture, decoration and books. The shop has a lounge where you can sit and have a free (!), or you could also create a piece of art for the "Take it and leave it" gallery.
WEBSITE: http://www.shoptheshop.co.uk/site/
WEBSITE: http://www.shoptheshop.co.uk/site/
Fotohaus is a little up on the stairs, and they are a company of architecural photography. One of their recent works job back in November was the Engine Shed. You can see their amazing photo gallery on their website.
WEBSITE: http://www.fotohaus.co.uk/work/
WEBSITE: http://www.fotohaus.co.uk/work/

WEBSITE: https://www.facebook.com/WeberandTrings

Right opposite, The Bristol Cider Shop, the right place for cider lovers. They are a specialist cider shop stocking over 100 varieties of draught and bottled cider made within 50 miles of Bristol by small producers.
WEBSITE: http://www.bristolcidershop.co.uk/
Karen Reilly is a dressmaker and designer for wedding dresses and bridal wear with 25 years of experience. Dresses are individually designed and made by hand. The shop is open Wed-Sat 11am to 5pm althought you can get an appointment out of hours.
WEBSITE: http://karenreilly.co.uk/
WEBSITE: http://karenreilly.co.uk/

Trevor Jones, after teaching and playing trumpet for 25 years, he started a business in Christmas Steps selling a large selection of brass and woodwind instruments.The shop is only opened Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9.30am to 5.30pm, and Saturdays 9.30am to 5pm.

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