Black Friday is the day following Thanksgiving Day in the US, which similarly to Boxing Day sales in the UK, when most major retailers open very early and offer promotional sales to kick off the Christmas holiday shopping season. Even though Black Friday meant little in the UK until 2010, as many of the American traditions, Brits have also adopted Black Friday as their own festivity and tomorrow, 28th November 2014, it's Black Friday. Now, not only there sales AFTER Christmas but also BEFORE.

I personally don't like "crazy-shopping" days. I don't crowds and I don't like buying things in a rush. But I know people do like shopping. Hopefully this year, it won't happen anything similar to last year in ASDA, where customers fought out for discounted goods (flat screet TV) and a man was arrested after arguing with supermarket staff. Please, buy thoroughtfully!
Picture: Bristol Post
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